Rohde & Schwarz and Ceva present industry’s first test solution for the upcoming Bluetooth® OTA UTP Test Mode
One important new feature is the Unified Test Protocol (UTP) Test Mode for Bluetooth® Low Energy, that will complement e…
One important new feature is the Unified Test Protocol (UTP) Test Mode for Bluetooth® Low Energy, that will complement e…
The demonstration, being the first of its kind, verifies the unique performance of the NXP Trimension™ NCJ29D6A chipset…
Each functional block requires comprehensive testing to ensure optimal performance, reliability, and a fast market relea…
Als eigenständige Einrichtung der Stadt Bielefeld beschäftigt der Umweltbetrieb (UWB) aktuell ca. 1.200 Mitarbeiter*inne…
Der Industrieverband AIM repräsentiert das globale Netzwerk der AutoID-Experten. Auf der Fachmesse LogiMAT vom 11.-13. M…
Always at the forefront of technological innovation, Rohde & Schwarz is shaping the future of the mobile industry with i…
Halle: 10 / Stand-Nr.: 10F09 At LogiMAT 2025, ELOKON, a leading company in the field of safety and assistance system…
Halle: 10 / Stand-Nr.: 10F09 Auf der LogiMAT 2025 stellt ELOKON, führender Anbieter von Sicherheits- und Assistenzsy…
Renowned for its pivotal role in the automotive ecosystem, Rohde & Schwarz consistently makes significant contributions…
Leading semiconductor test equipment supplier Advantest Corporation (TSE: 6857) will showcase its latest test solutions…