VITROCELL® Cloud Alpha 96
The VITROCELL® Cloud Alpha 96 is our newest innovation and presents a great leap forward in automated exposure of cell c…
The VITROCELL® Cloud Alpha 96 is our newest innovation and presents a great leap forward in automated exposure of cell c…
New designs of electronic cigarettes such as ENDS (Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems) products or HTP (Heated Tobacco…
. Background The assessment of toxicological effects of airborne particles to the human organism is of major importance…
In der Inhalationstherapie werden pharmazeutische Präparate als Aerosole auf Zellen des Atemtraktes im Nasen- oder Lunge…
In inhalation therapy, drugs are deposited as aerosols on cells of the respiratory tract from the nasal or lung region.…
Wissenschaftler am Helmholtz Zentrum München haben im Rahmen der europäischen Initiative Horizon 2020 über eine Million…
International scientists from Europe, Japan, Korea and USA followed the invitation of VITROCELL® Systems to the 2014 Use…
The 8th World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC8) took place August 21-25, 2011 in Montré…
Mit einer Pressemeldung vom 22.08.2011 stellte die BAuA/Berlin den Forschungsbericht vor: Forschung: Wirkung von Gase…
Prevalidation study for testing toxic effects of inhalable substances (gases). The aim of the study was the prevalida…