He kills all the robbers except one who takes the waitress Loretta as hostage and threatens to kill her.
Callahan holds his large Magnum 44 in the face of the hostage taker and says: "Go ahead, make my day".
The sentence naturally means the opposite of "Carry on, you'll save my day!".
Callahan threatens the perpetrator with this ironic formulation: If he harms the hostage, he will be killed.
"Make my day!"of "Dirty Harry" has become a household word in the USA.
Google is now introducing the Day-Domains: Domains such as makemy.day or make-my.day are possible.
The domain makeyour.day has been classified as a premium domain by Google.
Hans-Peter Oswald
https://www.domainregistry.de/... (English)
https://www.domainregistry.de/... (German)