A domain hack has nothing to do with hacking a domain or website. The "hack" represents a trick (as in programming), not an exploit or break-in (as in security).
Domains such .as .it, .me ,.to, .is and .us are easy to use as domain hacks as they correspond to short, simple dictionary words. Sometimes a name is chosen so that the last few characters match an existing top-level domain, such as "inter.net", so that every character is used in forming the common name.
We show here one examples from the German language: dasbu.ch
The Swiss ch-domain is combined with a word, that a new notion is created: the book.
You can select many Top Level domains for a domain hack.
The favorite domains are:
The Serbian domain .rs fits also, as many English words have "rs" at the end.
The general availability of the ar-Domains starts on September 15th. This is an opportunity to secure nice ar-Domains for "domain hacks".
Further English terms that end in -ar can be found in the following lists:
List 1
List 2
List 3
List 4
Spanish verbs end in -ir, -er or -ar. This results in a wide field for domain hacks -
especially for Argentinians.
ICANN Registrar Secura (http://www.domainregistry.de/...) can realize these gags through domain registrations.
Hans-Peter Oswald
https://www.domainregistry.de/... (German)
https://www.domainregistry.de/... (English)