Sunrise Period
The sunrise period of the Channel-Domains starts on May 3rd and lasts until June 7th. Trademark owners must register their trademarks with the Trademark Clearinghouse in order to register the same name at the Channel-Domain. The domains in the Sunrise Period are usually more expensive than the general availability domains. For the Channel-Domains, the prices are the same in the sunrise period and general availability. But it gets even better: Brand owners also receive a 15% discount for Channel-Domains registered in the Sunrise Period.
Limited Registration Period (LRP)
The LRP for Channel-Domains runs from June 7th to mid-2023. During the LRP, registrants will be able to apply for Channel-Domains through a content creation platform previously included in the program.
General Availability
The channel domain is expected to enter General Availability or General Availability (GA) in mid-2023.
Channel-Domains are the ultimate domains for publishers and content creators who want to create and showcase digital sales channels or marketing channels.
There is a usage requirement for .Channel-Domains:
“Channel domain names are intended solely for use by creators and publishers to host or redirect to storefronts featuring digital and physical products, and audience-building mechanisms for the purpose of monetization.”
The Channel-Domains are smarter and shorter. The shorter a domain is, the more memorable it is. Domain recall is an important key when marketing a domain's website.
Hans-Peter Oswald (English) (deutsch)