"When we think engineering, we think user-friendly operation. Because we understand the needs of both the contract manufacturer and the series supplier," asserts Martin Rathbeb, Technical Director at SHW Werkzeugmaschinen. From May 18-20, guests are invited to see just what he means live in Aalen, Germany. At the Innovation and Technology Days, large part machining expert SHW WM lets you experience "hands-on machinery".¬ In addition to seeing current machines in operation, guests will also have the opportunity to see SHW WM's latest engineering innovations. This includes several developments for increasing machine productivity.
Through the glasses instead of traffic
With our new Augmented Reality glasses, SHW WM literally offers you a glimpse into the future of personal communication between service representative, application technician and machine operator.¬¬ The operator puts on the glasses, and the SHW WM expert can actually observe the situation in real time as they provide assistance, practically seeing it through the eyes of the operator. This eliminates the need for field service in most service and support situations, allowing customers to get their machines up and running again faster. And the possibilities go far beyond two-way communication with live imaging and audio between user and service technician. The glasses can also be used to transmit and even edit data sheets, images or live screenshots. Pointers and PC cursors can also be loaded.
With the new Visual Setup Control, SHW WM makes it possible to use a camera to review the clamping set-up of large work pieces in 2D or 3D with position detection.¬ This practical and inexpensive tool particularly helps reduce tooling times and ensure process reliability for contract manufacturers who perform frequent clamping operations.
UniSc@n diagnostic tool for predictive maintenance
SHW WM UniSc@n creates a "fingerprint" for each machine before it is shipped out. The diagnostics and protection programme monitors the status of the machine's mechanical components like a condition monitoring system. A condition check feature which can be accessed at any time compares the current condition with the condition on delivery, allowing for efficient, predictable and condition-based maintenance. This makes it possible to detect wear on roller bearings, linear axes and other components early on and respond as necessary. With response times of under 1 ms, UniSc@n also helps you avoid having to deal with crashes.
If you wish to attend the SHW Innovations and Technology Days, please register by calling (+49) 07361 – 5578 801 or sending an email to messe@shw-wm.de.
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