The Informationsverarbeitung für Versicherungen GmbH (ivv) was founded in 1993 by the IT division of VGH Versicherungen in association with the major public insurers in Bremen, Oldenburg and Saxony-Anhalt. For them, ivv provides applications and systems for managing the entire insurance business, from contract initiation to the event of a claim.
To increase efficiency in the insurance processes, the agencies of the associated insurance companies of the VGH, the ÖVB, the Public Oldenburg and the ÖSA have now been provided with signature pads for the electronic signing of documents, such as: Insurance applications, advisory protocols, SEPA direct debit mandates or other declarations of consent.
The conventional way was relatively cumbersome: the documents signed on the paper were collected in the agencies and then bundled sent to the scan site. There, the documents were first scanned and then archived.
By integrating the signature software into the insurance management program via signoAPI Java, the insurance management program now runs fully automatically: The insurance agent has the customer electronically sign the document created in the management software on the signotec Gamma signature pad, which is then signed and returned to the management software. Technically, this was solved in such a way that the signature software also works in dual mode - not only on the signotec Gamma, but also on notebooks with touch display and pen input.
The successes are already impressive: At the beginning of February 2019, the majority of agencies were equipped with the pads and after just one month, 25,000 documents were signed electronically. The savings in personnel, time, materials and costs are enormous.
Nadine Schwindt and Thorsten Remmers from ivv GmbH's Digitization Department are highly satisfied with signotec's services: "Not only did the logistical process of delivering the pads run flawlessly, but we were also pleased with the solution-oriented cooperation and the quick feedback and support we received from the signotec developers at all times during integration.”