- trans-o-flex announces general adjustment of freight prices by 4.9 % as of January 2020
- In Germany, 150,000 drivers will be missing next year
- Own company for training and further education: focus on driver training and qualification
In the personnel sector, the noticeable shortage of drivers in the entire transport industry in Germany is driving up costs. According to estimates published by professional associations in the transport sector, around 150,000 drivers will be missing in Germany by 2020, with the situation expected to worsen in the coming years.
“At trans-o-flex, we do everything we can to retain good drivers and attract new ones,” says the Managing Director. “It is not least for this reason that, this year, we founded our own company for the training and further education of our employees, with a focus on the qualification of driving personnel”. According to Albeck, however, all attempts to counter the lack of qualified drivers entail additional costs. In addition, there is a relatively new trend in personnel expenses, which, among other things, rise at an above-average rate because service providers such as trans-o-flex with their modern, IT-driven logistics solutions, for example, depend on the equally rare and highly qualified IT specialists.