To avoid undefined currents in systems, long production lines need one standard potential equalisation. Three-part lightning conductor terminals are usually used. But these are cumbersome and can only be assembled in the cable conduit with a great deal of time and effort. Things are very different with the new potential equalisation terminals, which can be installed with ease and are a low-cost solution for reliably equalising potential, for example in the automotive industry with its long production lines. The potential equalisation prevents undefined currents, which may cause errors and faults. Compared with star wiring, the decentralised potential equalisation offers huge potential savings. It doesn't require long conductor lengths to be routed from the individual field components to the busbar, just short branch lines to the terminal block on the ring line. Less space is thereby taken up in the cable conduit and the wiring times are reduced considerably.
The new JB 25-50 and EBB 25-50/16 potential equalisation blocks have an ergonomic design and a clever construction, and they can be quickly installed in the assembly duct with ease. Users achieve the desired potential equalisation in no time and installation isn't expensive. Furthermore, the potential equalisation blocks from Weidmüller take up little space in the cable conduit and with an installation height of just 24 mm leave sufficient space for data and power lines. JB 25-50 and EBB 25-50/16 are also quick to install because all clamping screws on the potential equalisation blocks have the same distance across flats. No tool changes are therefore required during the installation process.
The EBB 25-50/16 potential equalisation block integrates the option for connecting two branch lines for 16mm² conductors ex factory. Weidmüller also uses light-coloured screws in its new potential equalisation blocks, which stand out clearly in dark environments.
Weidmüller - electrical connection, transmission and conversion of power, signals and data in the industrial environment. - Let's connect.
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