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SteelFab 2019 in Sharjah

For the third time in succession, the DVS – German Welding Society presented itself at the SteelFab fair in Sharjah/U.A.E. From January 14 to 17, 2019, the society...

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New DVS Conference on "Digitalisation in Vocational Training and Further Education"

What effects does digitalisation have on the vocational education and further training? Which digital systems should be used in the future? And how does the topic...

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Aluminium Brazing: 10th congress with a new record

The series of successes is showing no signs of stopping: From June 12 to 14, 270 participants and 17 exhibitors from 27 countries used the 10th International "Aluminium...

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Welding technology training popular at SteelFab

Last year, there was the German joint booth (German Pavilion) at the SteelFab fair in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (UAE), for the first time on the initiative of...

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Pure thrills: Young Welders' Competitions at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN

At the world's premier fair, SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, pure thrills were on the agenda during the Young Welders' Competitions. The international welding competitions...

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Results 6 - 10 of 34