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Results 16 - 20 of 34
The way to the stars: ITSC in Düsseldorf

"Thermal Spray Paves the Way to the Stars!" will be the motto of this year's ITSC - International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition. After six years, ITSC is...

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Young welders in Düsseldorf: DVS with three competitions at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2017

With torches in their hands, the up-and-coming welders will start into a competition-rich 2017 under the leadership of the German Welding Society (DVS). The District...

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DVS elaborates English-language set of rules on thermal spraying

For the first time, the German Welding Society (DVS) is offering the internationally active users of thermal spraying all the sets of DVS rules relevant to these...

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In less than five months, the expert world of joining technology will congregate in Nuremberg in order to experience the skilful interplay between the DVS CONGRESS...

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SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, the international trade fair for joining, cutting and surfacing will continue its success story in Essen until 2033. DVS - Deutscher Verband...

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Results 16 - 20 of 34